Before Market Campus, I tried a few free MOOC’s from some big-name universities but never truly felt I was learning enough practical skills.
It took me over two years to sift through other programs before subscribing to Market Campus. I can say in all sincerity, I’m glad it took two years.
Market Campus was totally worth the time and investment.
Learning via online education, especially in the realm of digital marketing, has become a saturated market with literally hundreds (maybe thousands) of individual professionals selling courses. Though some excellent programs do exist, I found Market Campus to be among the most legitimate. Its lessons are clear to follow, and the ROI is apparent: you’ll learn and be able to apply what the skills that you won't have from universities, even after spending thousands of dollars (online marketing is ever-changing). Also, unlike its many online course counterparts, Market Campus’ certificate is accredited and recognized.
Market Campus’ Digital Marketing Course & Certification is not only a great value, but its curriculum is also consistently current. I partook in the lessons at my own pace, which was also of the utmost convenience to my schedule (these factors are a major advantage over traditional classroom settings).
Whether you’re seasoned or a novice, this program covers all bases in digital marketing. Brandon, the owner and instructor, is genuine and makes the learning process enjoyable.
Tip: One should already own or create a website to experiment with before enrolling. Test Squarespace for building your site.
Market Campus, in my opinion, is the best overall course out there for digital marketing. Again, it took over two years to find Market Campus, but the end game was worth the hunt.